How to Self-Deliverance

Self Deliverance 101

In the Bible, we see that deliverance from demonic powers happens through the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the Word of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit. These mighty weapons are available to all believers (Revelation 12:11).

First, I want to make a disclaimer that there isn’t a precedent in Scripture for the specific act of “self-deliverance” without the help of others. This does not mean I don’t believe it can happen, as I have heard many testimonies regarding it. I would say that the idea of self-deliverance is more extra-biblical rather than anti-biblical. With that said, if you need deliverance or additional help and don’t know where to start, here are a few things to consider.

10 Things That Help With Self-Deliverance

Recognize that there is a demonic activity or an open door.

One of the first steps to finding freedom is recognizing that the problem exists in the first place. If you don’t think you have a demon, you typically won’t be looking for deliverance, and I don’t believe that deliverance is something that God forces on people. This would explain why Jesus didn’t deliver Judas and why Peter didn’t deliver Ananias and Sapphira. You must recognize you have an issue and desire God to set you free from it. Desperation is the key to deliverance.

Repent of any known sins.

Repentance involves confessing your faith in Christ, confessing any known sins, and closing any open door to sin. Repentance closes those doors, disconnects you from the demonic world, and washes those sins through the blood of Jesus Christ. Renounce anything that the Lord brings to mind and choose to turn from it.

Renounce all contact with the devil and the occult.

According to 2 Corinthians 4:2, we are called to renounce all the hidden things of shame. Another important step to self-deliverance is to renounce any contracts made with false religions or the occult. Renounce any soul ties you have had with someone in a false religion, like a priest or guru, or someone you have had sexual intercourse with, as well as anyone who introduced you to the demonic.

Remove any demonic objects.

Address any demonic objects, which could include anything used to consult the occult, such as horoscopes, ouija boards, dream catchers, charms, etc., all of which are forbidden in God’s Word. Remove these things from your possession and your life.

Relinquish unforgiveness and bitterness.

Many people do not experience deliverance because of unforgiveness. Holding onto bitterness keeps you in bondage. You must release and relinquish your need to punish others, be the judge, jury, and executioner. If you put them into God’s hands, saying, “Lord, I forgive them for what they did, not because it’s fair, but because I care more about being free than about it being fair,” you begin to experience freedom.

Release yourself in the name of Jesus.

Make a simple prayer and release yourself from that unclean spirit in Jesus’ name.

Resist the devil who will seek to gain control again.

James 4:7 says to resist the devil, and he will flee. As you do this, you may feel something leave you. You might cough it out, yell it out, vomit it out, or simply take a deep breath and feel a sense of lightness and relief.

Replace whatever the Lord has delivered you from with God’s Word.

If God delivered you from demonic things, your goal isn’t just to remove bad stuff but to replace it with good. God wants you to live a life full for Jesus and fully in revival for the Lord. Make new godly friendships, develop new habits, and fill yourself with God’s Word, sermons, or podcasts that can strengthen your faith.

Renew your mind in your new identity in Christ.

Renewing the mind helps break down strongholds. John 8:32 says that knowing the truth brings freedom. The truth of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, breaks down strongholds built in the mind. Even if you are free, failing to engage in discipleship and regularly reading and applying the scriptures may result in continued suffering, not because you’re not free but because you’re mentally bound.

Remain rooted in a local church and a small group.

You are a new generation, a royal priesthood, His holy people. When people experience deliverance but don’t get grounded in the church, they may not walk in the full life of victory and dominion that God intended for them to discover through fellowship and discipleship in the local church.

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