Truths you need to know before you perform Deliverance

Truths you need to know before you perform Deliverance

For those who are navigating the deliverance process, whether it’s been a short time or several years, I want to encourage you with these five truths.

You can be a true believer and still experience bondage, but God desires your complete freedom. Read these truths to fortify yourself as you pursue your full freedom in Christ.

These are inspired by the book of Exodus 2:23-6:26.k

The 5 Truths you need to know of deliverance

1. You Can Be a Believer and Be in Bondage

Have you noticed in the mentioned chapters that God referred to the Israelites as “My people”? They were His people, yet they were in bondage and needed freedom.

A significant obstacle to deliverance is believing that becoming a believer eliminates the need for it. This mindset can hinder you from approaching God, making you feel guilty about your bondage. However, it’s crucial to remember that your bondage does not disqualify you from being part of God’s family.

You can be a true believer and still be genuinely in bondage.

2. God Has Heard Your Cry and Has Come Down to Deliver You

Your deliverance is not tied to a prayer line, a person, or a manifestation but to the Messiah—Jesus Christ.

God has heard your cries, seen your pain, your tears, your sleepless nights, and every demonic attack against you. He is aware of every generational curse that has attached itself to you and the curses you brought upon yourself.

God is not just sympathetic; He has the answer, and the answer is Jesus Christ.

3. Deliverance Requires Confrontation, Not Negotiation

Moses began with confrontation. To walk in deliverance, you must be ready for confrontation.

You cannot defeat Pharaoh without confronting him. Once you confront him, he will change tactics and start negotiating with you. Be prepared to stand your ground and confront demons whenever you see them operating in your life.

Do not negotiate with demons. Deliverance is not just about expelling demons; it’s about reclaiming everything that demons have taken—your life, peace, health, family, children, and everything else the devil has stolen.

Never negotiate.

4. Deliverance Makes Your Life Harder Before it Gets Better

When Moses confronted Pharaoh, things initially worsened (Exodus 5:20-23). This is a common experience for those beginning their deliverance journey.

It’s essential to understand that during this process, God is not only liberating you but also establishing His Kingdom within and around you.

Patience is necessary. Deliverance is a process, not a one-time event; it is a journey. Even after demons are removed, God continues breaking things down, peeling off layers so that you won’t resemble the world. In the first three plagues, Israel and Egypt looked the same.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate differences. Keep pressing into God, and you will begin to notice changes in various areas of your life.

5. Deliverance Takes You From Slavery to Service

The purpose of deliverance is to transition you from slavery to service, not just to free you from pain.

In Exodus 3:18 to 12:3, God repeatedly says, “Let My people go so that they can serve Me.” God was liberating them not for them to do whatever they wanted but to fulfill His desires for them. God delivers you so you can have a better Master before you can have a better life.

God’s aim was to free the Israelites from captivity so they could serve Him without restraint. The danger for us is seeking God for deliverance from bondage only to continue living unrepentant, godless lives.

Ensure you examine the motives driving your quest for deliverance. If they are misaligned, humble yourself before God. Surrender your life for more of His.

By doing this, you clear the path for your deliverance.

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