How can you know you are backsliding?

How can you know you are backsliding?

In our faith journey, it’s vital to recognize the early signs of backsliding. Being aware of these signs helps us stay close to Jesus and avoid the enemy’s traps. Here are a few warning signs from Scripture:

The Several Signs that indicates you are backsliding

1. Prioritizing Our Love Over His Love

One sign is when we focus more on our love for Jesus than His love for us. This might seem good, but remember when Peter was overconfident in his loyalty to Jesus (Matthew 26:33-34)? He focused on his love for Jesus and ended up denying Him. In contrast, John emphasized being loved by Jesus (1 John 4:19). Before backsliding, we often take our eyes off Jesus and focus on ourselves. We must remember that Jesus is the source of our love for Him. Focus on Him.

2. Letting Your Prayer Life Slip

When our prayer life weakens, we risk backsliding. In Luke 22:31-32, Jesus calls Peter “Simon” (his old name) after he falls asleep instead of praying. Similarly, when we “fall asleep” spiritually, our old habits reawaken. A neglected prayer life will affect our commitment to God.

3. Following Jesus at a Distance by Avoiding Sacrifice

Avoiding sacrifice is a clear sign of backsliding. In Matthew 26:58, Peter follows Jesus at a distance. When following Jesus involved potential danger, Peter distanced himself. Jesus calls us to embrace the cross and follow Him closely, even in sacrifice (Matthew 16:24-25). If your Christian life is more about your comfort than the cross, you’re not growing in Jesus.

4. Numbing Yourself with Worldly Pleasures

In John 18:18, Peter warms himself by the fire of the high priest’s servants, indicating he was no longer seeking holy fire but worldly comfort. When we stop enjoying Jesus’ presence, Satan tempts us with worldly pleasures. Without the things of God filling us, Satan’s offerings will numb us to spiritual matters.

5. Drowning in Doubt About God’s Word

Doubt becomes dangerous when it pulls us away from God. The Bible warns us about this through the story of Eve and the serpent (Genesis 3:1) and Satan’s temptations to Jesus (Matthew 4). Doubt isn’t the absence of faith but questioning it. Doubt can lead to sin if it pulls us away from God, but it’s not the same as unbelief. Unbelief is a refusal to believe despite evidence. If you’re struggling with doubt, bring it to God.

6. Distancing From Other Believers

Casual church attendance often reflects a casual commitment to faith. A Christian without a church is like a student without a school, a soldier without an army, and a citizen who doesn’t vote. We are members of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27) and need to gather together (1 Peter 2:5). Isolation from the church is a trap of the enemy, as seen in the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). While distancing from a toxic church may be necessary, we shouldn’t separate from the Church of Jesus Christ.

7. Not loving God today more than yesterday

If you are not loving God more than yesterday you are backsliding. Our love for God must increase as we get to know Him better each day. The more we love God the more we tend to seek Him with all our heart. (Jerimiah 29:13) “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” You can’t see with all your heart if the love isn’t there. You must love God more than yesterday but less than tomorrow.

Final Thoughts

If you recognize these signs in your life, it’s not too late to return to the Lord. Repent and turn away from your sins. Embrace the way of the cross and His love for you. Ignore the enemy’s condemnation and run to the cross. As you surrender, you’ll experience Jesus’ love once again. Remember, Jesus not only saves sinners but also redeems backsliders. Stay close to Him and grow in your faith.

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